Jasper_United Together_Book 2 of The Guardian Shifters Read online
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“Stracey will be fine, Dad.”
“I hope so, son. Just promise me that, no matter what happens, you’ll look after yourself and Lisa. The rest can take care of themselves, but you two and Joel are mine. I…”
“It goes without saying,” he interrupts quickly. “We’re all family. We’re always going to be united, no matter what. Just come home to us, Dad. Now, get shifting. Let me beat your arse.” Markus punches my arm and starts to strip out of his clothes.
I laugh under my breath, because I’ve never noticed how grown up Markus has gotten over the last year. I’m proud of him. He’s stepped up and done whatever he could for his family and friends. He’ll make a good Alpha one day; I’ll make sure of it.
Tonight’s party is in full swing, but there’s a sense of despair around camp. Everyone is putting a brave face on, apart from my nearest and dearest. Lisa and Markus are sat around a table together with Bull, Beta wolf of the pack. Stracey hasn’t made it to this shindig, and I noticed Chardonnay arrived about an hour ago. She squeezed my shoulder, smiled, and headed in the direction of Carlos.
I sit against a tree, looking out at nothing now. I’m not in much of a mood for partying, but I feel like I owe my pack to be here. After all, I’m doing this for them. I’m getting too old for this shit, but after this, I’m standing down from my role as enforcer. My main job is with my family, protecting them. That isn’t going to happen when I’m travelling all over the world to sort out other problems.
“Jasper.” I lift my head as Kevin scuffs his feet across to me.
“Hey, buddy. You okay?”
He shrugs. “Sure. Are you? I know this must be a big deal to you, because you’ve been a family man for a long time. If I’m honest, I’ve never had a family to miss before, so I’ll get through it. I just…”
I interrupt him. “You’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Will you show me everything you know? I don’t want to make things worse for you by doing something wrong. I only have my father’s training which was lacking a lot.”
“I will. Honestly, you’re a good kid, and I wish I didn’t have to take you with me. Some of the missions we do…” I search for the right words. “… are testing. We get pushed to our limits, and some would think it’s a suicide mission. But, with the right training and knowledge, we’re undefeated. Now, I know we’ll be given some shitty cases to work on, but we’ll come back. That I promise you.”
“Jasper.” Kevin shuffles his weight from one foot to the other. I stand up to be beside him and study him carefully. I can see he has something he needs to tell me.
“What’s wrong, son? You can tell me anything. If I can help, I will.”
“It’s not that.” He runs his hands through his hair and turns away from me, leaving me to stare at his back. I’m not sure what has this kid worked up, but we aren’t leaving here until I know what it is.
“Kevin.” I place my hand on his shoulder for comfort and his shoulders relax a little.
“In my upbringing, I’ve done some crazy shit to survive. My father…” His body tenses and his teeth grind together. “Well, you weren’t a part of that pack unless you had killed or tortured someone. That was rule one of my father’s. If you couldn’t kill, you’d be killed. I…”
“It’s okay. I get it. But listen to me, that wasn’t you. We’d all do what we had to to survive.”
“It wasn’t until Lisa came on the scene that I wanted to rebel against my dad. I wanted a better life for myself. I didn’t want to be his puppet. Now, I just feel like I’m going to be someone else’s puppet.”
“Look at it like you’re saving people like yourself. You’re giving others a chance of a new life. Each and every one of this pack has been where you are. Not the elders, but most of the youngsters have. I won’t go into their stories, but Lisa, Markus, Joel, even Bull… I gave them this life away from physical and emotional abuse. They know what it’s like to be loved and have the support of a family unit now. Answer me this question…” Kevin turns to face me and our eyes lock. “What did you feel when you were with your dad’s pack?”
“At the beginning, it was all I knew. I didn’t know any different. In the end, I felt trapped. I was full of hatred. I didn’t save Lisa, she saved me.”
“I think you saved each other, buddy. When we go out on missions, just hold that pain and misery in your head. Why did you want out from that life? What did you want to change?”
“In the end, I saw innocent people being tortured and abused. I knew it was wrong. I knew I needed out. I didn’t want to live that life, Jasper.”
I nod in understanding, because I can imagine what this kid has seen over the years.
“How long will it last? The punishment, I mean.”
“Honestly. I have no idea.”
“I thought so. I’m going to get another drink.” Kevin lifts his empty bottle and shakes it.
“Quite right. Enjoy it.” I raise my bottle to Kevin’s back. If I could do anything to get Kevin out of this punishment with me, I would. For the first time in my life, I despise the council and their rules.
Before I realise what I’m doing, I walk through the camp. My feet take me in the direction of Stracey’s cabin and my heart pounds in my chest. Ever since we rescued Lisa from her father’s wicked hands a few weeks ago, my outlook on life has changed. I had great intentions of telling Stracey about my feelings towards her, but now I’m not sure that’s a good idea; at least not until this punishment is over.
I stand in front of her cabin and take in the beauty of it. It suits her personality. The wild flowers growing up the facing, the flower pots at the door, the white window frames… it’s perfect.
“Are you planning on standing there all night?” I jump at the sound of the soft voice behind me.
“Stracey. I didn’t hear you.”
“Do you fancy a coffee?”
I look down at the bottle of beer in my hand and smile. “Sure. Coffee is probably better for me.”
She walks past me, and her sweet scent hits my nose. My palms are sweaty, my heart is racing, my dick is jumping to attention, and I try my hardest to get a grip of myself. I’m acting like a horny pup all over again.
“I’m not going to bite you, Jazz.”
She’s the only person who calls me Jazz, and I like it coming from her lips. I shake my head and smile as I make my way into her cabin. It’s everything you’d expect from a healer’s house. It has herbs and baskets everywhere. The smell is divine. I love coming here because it’s peaceful and quiet on the edge of the camp.
“Are you okay?” I finally find courage and ask as she busies herself in her small kitchen, making coffee.
“Ask me that question when you’re finished with the council. Right now, I don’t know what to feel, Jazz. I don’t want to lose you. Our friendship means more to me than anything in this world.”
I close the gap between us, my hands cupping her soft cheeks. I make her look into my eyes as I speak. “You’re not going to lose me, you silly woman. You and the kids are what will keep me going. I have too much to lose to sit back and let some nasty, no good rogues take me out. But, I promise you, when this is over, I am never going back. I have a life to start living and that doesn’t include any more council work.”
Tears escape her eyes and I use my thumb to wipe them away. “I want to believe you Jasper. I do.”
“How long have we known each other?” I raise my brows at her.
“Too long.” She laughs slightly.
“Not long enough, in my opinion, but when have I ever broken a promise?”
“Never,” she whispers.
“Exactly. Now, I do believe you were going to make me a coffee.”
“I was. I am. I will,” she stutters and pulls away.
Her back turns to me as she gets our cups ready. I have to compose myself, because the feel of her skin, the smell of her perfume-it has my body reacting in ways I didn’t know were possible.
“Yes.” She looks over her shoulder to me.
“Come and sit down. I need to talk to you.”
“Let me get our coffee first.”
“No,” I say rather abruptly, which makes her turn to face me. “I mean, the coffee can wait. What I have to say can’t wait any longer.”
“You don’t need to say anything, Jasper. Not right now.”
I frown as I take in this stunning woman. It’s as if she knows what I want to say, but why doesn’t she want to hear it? Does she not feel this connection anymore? Does she not want me?
“Please. I can’t leave here without telling you a few things.”
Her head drops to look at the floor and I concentrate on her hands pulling at the hem of her shirt. I hold my hand out for her to take and it takes her a few moments before she places her tiny hand in mine. My wolf is going crazy in my head, and my mind and body are mush. I can’t think or concentrate, but I need to pull myself together and do what I should have done years ago.
I walk us over to the couch and we sit side by side, but I turn to face Stracey. The confident woman I know and love is hiding, and now I have her quiet, shy, reserved, alter ego.
“I can’t leave here without telling you how much I care about you…”
“I know, Jasper. We’ve been friends for a long time. I care about you too.”
I shake my head and grasp her hands in mine. “No, I mean really care about you. Do you feel this connection between us? Tell me you don’t and I won’t say anymore.”
Silence. Her eyes dance across my face and they linger at my lips. I don’t think she’s going to say anything, but suddenly she says, “I do feel it. I always have, but you’re not ready to move on. I can’t fill Carmen’s shoes, Jazz. I never will be her. She was your first, one true love.”
“She was. You know all about my feelings for her, the pain and misery I’ve suffered since her death nearly eighteen years ago, the turmoil I’ve endured about being stuck in the past. But I can’t live like that anymore. I’ve kept our friendship going strong, hidden my love and feelings for you, but now my beast and I can’t do it. We love you.”
“I’m not a wolf, Jasper.”
“I know. What does that matter?”
“Wolves and witches aren’t supposed to connect.” She pulls her hands out of mine.
“You’re not a witch in my eyes. Yes, you can yield magic, you heal people, you cure people, but you’re not a witch. You don’t yield black magic. You’re kind. Caring. Beautiful. As you know, a wolf doesn’t have much say in who they have as a soulmate. Their beast knows and that’s it.”
“Why now, Jasper? I can’t bear to lose you, but we can’t do this now. It isn’t fair to you or me. I don’t know if and when you’ll be back. We’ve been doing this for years. Another few months won’t make a difference.” She stands up and walks over to her small kitchen area. I can’t take my eyes off her empty seat. Did she just brush me off? She’s been telling me for years to move on and do something for myself for once, but now that I have, she isn’t entertaining the idea.
I will never understand the way women think. I stand up and make my way out of the cabin. I feel like I’m leaving with my heart in pieces yet again. My pride has been dented, and I don’t want to push Stracey because I’ll end up making it worse. Maybe this break apart will do us good.
Chapter 2
I hear my front door being closed, and my body slides down to the floor. I feel empty. I feel stupid for pushing Jasper away. I’ve loved him since the first day I met him, and not a day has passed by without me thinking of him, hoping and praying that he sees me as more than a friend.
I helped him through his heartache after losing Carmen, his soulmate, who was snatched from him long before she even died. He hasn’t got over her, and I can’t step into her shoes; I won’t. But I also know I can’t live without Jasper in my life. I’ve pleaded with him for years to move on, but I can’t start a relationship with someone who isn’t going to be here for the next few weeks, months, or even years. Yes, I’m saying years, because I know first-hand how the council punishes people. Once they start, they never stop. They might have this crazy idea of helping their wolves, but they shouldn’t be doing this to Jasper. He doesn’t deserve it. He’s saved many young wolf shifters, protected Lisa and Markus, and helped get this pack on the straight. For the first time in years, the pack makes money instead of throwing everything back into our community. He’s a hero in many shifters minds, and mine too.
I lean my head back against the cupboard door and close my eyes. I can remember the first time I ever laid eyes on Jasper. When I said I know first-hand how the council works, well… here’s my story.
I was eighteen years old. I had been learning from my grandmother about my healing powers, plus finding out about the magical concoctions I could use. I was brought up by my grandmother when my mother passed away when I was three years old. I knew what I was capable of, but I needed to learn everything perfectly. There’s no room for mistakes in magic.
One day, my grandmother opened her door to find a shifter on her doorstep, but not just any shifter. It was Braxton, the head of the shifter council. He wanted her to tag along with his team to break the security wards of a pack. She agreed, of course, but things didn’t go according to plan. I went along to see her at work, but I kept my distance. This was the first time I met Jasper. He was twenty-two years old. He was always big built, hair immaculate, combed over to the side, and a well-sculpted beard grew around his chin and lips. He was stunning, but I could see the pain in his features the moment our eyes locked.
We got into the camp and, to cut a long story short, I got captured by the rogue Alpha. My grandmother used her magic to kill the bastard that had his filthy paws on me, but she was told not to kill him by Braxton, because they wanted to interrogate him. Of course, she didn’t listen. She saw me in harm’s way and that was all that registered in her head. The council didn’t take too kindly to her not following orders, even though she saved my life. She didn’t leave that arsehole alive so they could get more information out of him. She was summoned to the council head office the following day, and a year later, she died of a heart attack. They pushed her into any mission because they needed a witch. She never got a day away from the council since the day she killed that wolf. That was her punishment for saving her granddaughter’s life. From that day, Jasper has been in my life. He sat with me when my grandmother went to the council, and he introduced me to the pack here. Without him, I would have lived a cold and lonely life. Whenever he’s here, we spend a lot of time together. I’ve looked up to him for everything he did for Lisa and Markus. Not many men will raise their own child, never mind raising a stranger’s, but he did a remarkable job with Markus. He’s a strapping, well-mannered young man.
Which brings me to here and now. I can’t tell Jasper I love him, because I can’t get it out of my head that he’ll end up dying at the hands of his council. I can’t lose him, but I don’t see any other option.
All my dreams have come true tonight, but I’ve just ruined everything. I’ve pushed away the man I love, and I’ve killed any chance of having a happy future, because Jasper is the only one crazy enough to love me.
Chapter 3
This weekend should’ve been memorable for good things, but since I left Stracey’s cabin on Friday evening, I locked myself away in my own cabin. I had the occasional run, but nothing and no one can bring me out of my depression this time. I look at the clock and it reads five-thirty a.m. I need to eat and give myself a shake, because I told Kevin I’d collect him at eight. I need to see Markus and Lisa before I leave, which I’m not looking forward to. Over the last three weeks, Lisa has spent a lot of her time at our house, or here at camp. I’ve bonded much more with her now that she knows who she is. She’s had questions and I’ve answered them as honestly as I could. I’m not one for skirting around the trut
I jump out of my seat, slide my feet into my boots, and head out the front door. I jog down to the Alpha’s cabin and knock on the door as loud as I can. I didn’t care if they’re still in bed, I need to get this off my chest before the pack is around.
“What the hell?” Carlos opens the door and ties his robe around his middle. “Jasper? What’s going on?”
I shake my head and barge into his cabin. “Nothing is wrong. Nothing like you’re thinking about. Where is Chardonnay?”
“Well, since it’s before six a.m., she was sleeping. She’ll be down in a minute. Take a seat.”
“No. I won’t keep you. Just listen to me.”
“Jasper?” I turn around at the sound of Chardonnay behind me. Her long blonde hair hangs wildly around her shoulders. Her blue eyes still sparkle, even at this time of morning. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I need to speak to you both. When I’m away, I need you to keep your eye on Lisa, Markus and Joel…”
Carlos runs his hand through his hair and cuts me off. “It goes without saying, buddy. They’ll be fine. They’re a part of my pack and I’ll look out for them the same way I would for any of my family.”
“Chardonnay, look after Lisa. She’s been coming to me the last few weeks with questions, getting to know her heritage and what we are. I don’t want her to stop asking these questions, because she needs to know about herself and her family. Will you…?”
“I will,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’ll speak to Lisa today when you leave. I won’t tell her about this chat, but I will tell her to come to me. She might not know me well, but while she’s in this pack, I’m her Alpha too. Just keep you and Kevin safe. We need you home… both of you.”
“I’m not even going to say I promise, because nobody believes we’ll come home.”
“What?” Carlos steps around Chardonnay and clasps his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it tightly. “What’s going through that head of yours? I’ve kept my distance this weekend, but don’t think that your mood has gone unnoticed with us all, especially Markus and Lisa.”